The Pamphlets
In Chapter Eleven of The Bohemian Adventure, the characters Cricket and Mignon borrow Ted’s notebooks to create a series of pamphlets from Ted’s writings.
Cricket names the pamphlets “Self & Soul” and “Seed & Roots,” and she also coins the moniker of “The Bohemian” when referring to Ted.
- This Human Existence (prose)
- Infinite Regressions (poetry)
- The Soul (short poem)
- Quote from Thoreau
- The Worthies (prose)
- Nature is; Nature was (prose)
- Truth (poem)
- Light (poem)
- The Encounter (prose)
- Purpose (poem)
- Quote from Montaigne
- Focusing Thoughts (prose)
- The Soul Incarnate in Flesh (prose)
- Know Thyself (poem)
- Living a Transcending Life (prose)
- What is this? (poem)
- The Quest (prose)
- The Tuning Fork (prose)
- Quote from Shakespeare
- Inner Controversy (poem)
- Mankind’s Intellectual Elite (prose)
- All Encompassing Nature (prose/poetry)
- Roots sown and withered, but then a Flowering Regrowth (prose)
- Mortal Pensees (Pensées) prose
- Quote from Wordsworth
- Sweet Passionate Earth (poem)
- You (prose)
- The Womb of Deliverance (prose)
- Searching (poem)
- Transcendental Spheres (prose)
- In Search of the Inner Self (poem)
- Quote from Emerson
- Self-Actualizing States (prose)
- Meditation: A Balancing Perspective (poem)
- A Fine-Tuned Magnetic Orb (poem)
- The Basic Human Kinks (prose)
- Secret Strivings (poem)
- Quote from Carlyle
- The Road Never Traveled (prose)
- Losing Time… (poem)
- The Sanctity of the Inner Light (poem)
- Scientific Revolutionaries (prose)
- Expanding Universe (poem)
- Quote from Novalis
- What we Don’t Know (prose)
- The Metaphysical Mystic (poem)
- Connect (prose)
- The Individual Relation (prose)
- Emanating Interconnectiveness (poem)
- The Great Inventors (prose)
- Focused Balance (poem)
- Extreme Discipline (poem)
- Quote from Plato
- Literati (prose)
- The Faculties of the Mind (prose)
- Words, words, words… (poem)
- Create Pro-create (poem)
- The Golden Greeks (prose)
- Spaceship Earth (poem)
- Truth Seeking (poem)
- Quote from Einstein
- Delving Inside Thine Mind (prose)
- The Evolutionary Elements (poem)
- Einstein’s Time Equation
- A Neo-Transcendentalist (prose)
- Knowing to Find Thyself & Explore (poem)
- Quote from Thoreau
- Rising Above Self-imposed Boundaries (prose)
- The Unattained but Attainable Self (poem)
- Challenging Endeavors (poem)
- You are Your Own Hero (poem)
- Societal Currents (prose)
- The Internet and World Wide Web (poem)
- Quote from Benjamin Franklin
- America’s Revolutions; Global Solutions (prose)
- Computer Systems (poem)
- Balanced Measures (poem)
- The Golden Age of Knowledge (poem)
- Transientness (prose)
- The Gift (prose)
- Quote from Margaret Fuller
- Backward Glances (prose)
- The Wildness of Nature (prose)
- Present Moment Living (prose)
- Be Here Now (poem)
- Transpire (prose)
- Present—Where past and future cave in (poem)